Not going to lie....besides being love and planning a gorgeous wedding, shower gifts have made this whole engagement thing not so bad.
I am SO blessed to have the most amazing friends and family who have thrown us the best showers ever! It has been like Christmas and my birthday all rolled into one!
If I could give ANY advice to brides it would be to register for things you really need, want and at different price points (not all of your friends are going to show up with a Vitamix).
We have gotten several of the amazing gifts I have listed above and if I HAD to pick my TOP 2 FAVS it would be the All Clad Slowcooker and the Vitamix. These two gifts have made my crazy life a little more tolerable.
Most registries consist of kitchen and home needs like cookware and kitchen gadgets. Don't be afraid to register for some fun stuff too! People like to buy you things you want as well as what you actually need. I suggest items like Apple TV, airline gift cards, board games, or even portable Bluetooth speakers.
Another little tip for you little brides out there....write 'thank you' notes IMMEDIATELY after receiving a gift. Then, write down your gift and who it is from in a notebook with a check mark next to it. If you can stay on top of this, it will make it easier on you.
This whole process goes by so quickly, so enjoy every moment of it!