Gone Girl
I am a FIRM believer that some days you need to do nothing but stay home and have a day of luxury. I am ALL about indulging and these are some of the things I day dream about while sitting in an office all day.
Talking about the stuff above is making me want play hooky.
Everyone that knows me, knows that I am a HUGE bath lover. I literally take a long bubble bath a day b/c it's so needed. That's where the robe and Jo Malone lotion come into play. I can't express enough how much I LOVE robes! I have a ton and each one serves a different purpose. Warm fur robe, t-shirt robe, silk robe, etc. The Little Giraffe robe above is about to make it's way to my closet. Have you guys felt the Little Giraffe baby blankets? OMG they are unreal amazingly soft and cuddly. I always want my niece wrapped in her blanket just so I can snuggle her in it!
If you haven't tried Jo Malone you are missing out b/c her products are out of this world delicious. My favorite scent (they are all awesome) is Peony and Blush Suede.
As far as "treats" go, I am not much of a snacker. That being said, I could have Williams-Sonoma pumpkin butter on toast and champagne bubbles candy any day of year. Both can be found at Williams-Sonoma..my mouth is watering writing this.
Deep Eddy's Ruby Red Vodka and club soda is the lightest and freshest cocktail I have ever had. Low on calories and high in deliciousness.
For the mornings (obviously I don't sit around drinking vodka all day) I have been crazy about the Cinnabon coffee for my Keurig. The smell will make you melt.
Now on to the entertainment....Apple TV and iPhone 6. I want to applaud these products after every use. I suggest you add both of them to your life.
Last are my love for movies and reading. I watch Sex and The City dvds on a weekly basis, usually when I get in bed. I have seen every episode dozens of times but can't seem to quit watching. The same can also be said about Gillian Flynn novels...readying Gone Girl for the second time.
I hope you have all made a list of these wonderful things and are planning a day of relaxation.