If it's ONE thing I love more than clothes..it's dogs. Since getting my first puppy (Tramp) at age 3, I have had an obsession with sweet fur babies. My little doll, Lola, is my most prized possession. I will never forget how happy my heart was when I held all 1.8 lbs of her for the first time. It was definitely love at first sight. In my humble opinion, dogs are the only animal that love you more than they love themselves. I would honestly have 100 if I could.
In honor of sweet pups, I want to share with you guys my favorite dog "must haves". I have also added a link to help donate or become a member of ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)...don't worry, I won't pull a Sarah McLachlan and show you a video :)
Sick of your dog sounding like jingle bells? This collar is awesome and contains all of your info without the addition of a tag. Comes in lots of different colors and fonts.
Ballard Designs makes the most beautiful and plush dog beds. You can also have them customize a little pillow with your dog's name.
How cool is this? You can make a custom stuffed animal of your dog! And the best part....proceeds go to a shelter!
Now Lola and I can both enjoy a cup of Joe! These little "Starbarks" plush toys are darling!
I obviously love anything and everything personalized. These dog water/food dishes are so sweet.

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